
Eagle’s Rock Advisers

Eagle’s Rock stands for comprehensive overview, strong focus, clear analysis and solid execution.

We are an independent M&A and business advisory firm based in Luxembourg. Our services address two distinct areas of customer needs.

➜ High-end customized advisory services for buy-side and sell-side M&A transactions.

➜ Independent director services.


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  • Vast experience in running buy-side and sell-side M&A transactions
  • Strong business acumen.
  • Deep legal expertise
  • Over 15 years of board and corporate governance experience across Europe and North America

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  • Buy-side and sale-side M&A transaction support
  • We devise creative and effective deal structures and solutions towards a successful outcome
  • Deep expertise in translating business needs and financial analysis into legal terms – ensuring that the legal agreements accurately reflect your business understanding

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  • Independent director services for operating and holding companies
  • Deep legal and corporate governance expertise
  • Long-standing board experience at an international level in various industries