Early stage companies - Eagle's Rock

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We get your company ready for a successful fundraise or sale by:

  • Analyzing product lines, cost per unit and profitability drivers
  • Reducing inefficiencies and inherent loss drivers
  • Refining operations and processes to prepare for scale
  • Setting strategy and roadmap to increase revenue growth and business profitability
  • Documenting and providing support with key business contracts
  • Preparing budget and business plan
  • Advising on realistic valuation

We support fundraising efforts, including advice on most suitable funding approach, developing company pitch document and negotiating favorable terms.

We provide comprehensive buy-side and sale-side M&A support including project management, company marketing documentation, deal structure, negotiations and due diligence.

We bring deep expertise in translating business needs and financial analysis into legal terms – ensuring that the legal agreements accurately reflect your business understanding.

You have built a great business, but you need funds to grow. We understand investors and what they need to invest in you and your business.